Your undergraduate journey
Your timeline to some of the key steps in becoming an undergraduate at 优蜜传媒.
If you want to find out what the key application deadlines are for 2025 course entry, you can find them on our applying pages.
Explore our digital prospectus to see what studying at 优蜜传媒 is like.
We offer hundreds of undergraduate courses in a range of different subject areas. Use our undergraduate course finder to see your options.
Each course varies so it’s important to see the grades you’ll need to achieve to get an offer or place. We accept a range of qualifications so make sure to also check international equivalents.
We hold four on-campus open days each year for you to explore the University and hear from our staff, students and academics.
We also hold virtual open days where you can join us online for sessions on finance, student life and accommodation.
The earlier you start, the more time you’ll have to prepare. You can begin writing your personal statement at any time and can start your application in UCAS hub from May.
Learn about fees and funding options for study at 优蜜传媒.
Learn more about how we consider personal circumstances in your UCAS application.
Applications for all 2025 entry undergraduate courses, except those with a 15 October deadline, should arrive at UCAS by 18:00 (UK time) on 29 January 2025.
This is UCAS's 'equal consideration' deadline - this means course providers must consider all applications received by this time equally.
If you’re applying for a course in Medicine or Dentistry, there is an early deadline, with applications closing in October the year prior to entry.
You can keep up to date with the progress of your application and reply to your offers using UCAS track.
Check your application to see your personal deadline.
Once you become an offer holder, information about your offer of a place and any conditions will be communicated to you via UCAS.
Once your place is confirmed, you’ll receive official confirmation via UCAS and an email from us.
In early September, you’ll receive an email about how to register.